Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Essay --

DA and context (introduction in chronological order) The term context is used on everyday basis in any possible aspect of our life. In the frames of language analysis context is used nearly in every possible situation to broaden the scope of linguistic description. The term context, with its use in language analysis, traces back to Malinowski, who wanted to illustrate how the code worked in the contexts of use. He invoked the notion of context to account for the way language †¦ functioned as ‘a mode of action’. As Malinowski suggested, â€Å"the meaning of any single word is to a very high degree dependent on its context† (1923:306). The interpretation of sentence is an important factor when looked at through the prism of context and since the beginning of 1950 linguists have become increasingly aware of this importance. J. R. Firth, who is considered to be the founder of modern British linguistics, notes that logicians think of words and propositions as carrying meaning in themselves and this meaning is â€Å"apart from participants in context of situation† (1957: 226). This approach seems to exclude the speakers and the listeners, Firth thinks, and he suggests that â€Å"voices should not be entirely dissociated from the social context in which they function†. Firth’s suggestion was to regard all texts in modern spoken languages as having â€Å"implication of utterance† and participants as always referred to in a â€Å"generalized context of situations† (1957: 226). Firth is concerned with embedding the utterance in the â€Å"social context† which is later supported by Hymes in his works of early 60s. Hymes treats the role of context in interpretation and analysis as an aspect that limits the array of possible interpretations and at the same time a support... ...told that context is crucial. But how and why is it crucial? Which sides of context are applicable to which types of text? If the contextual features are interdependently activated in an analysis, then an alteration in one of these features will automatically distress the importance of the others. Nevertheless, there arises a problem, as to what type of text linguistic analysis should deliver a more considerable basis for interpretation. Interpretation, hence, is the procedure of developing a discourse from a text. Interpretation will constantly be a function of the connection of text and context. Irrespectively of how meticulous the analysis of a specific text might be, the textual features must be contextually relevant. If that is the case, then we need to investigate how different contexts can influence the same text and give rise to various interpretations.

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