Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Nationalism and War Essay - 1087 Words

Nationalism and War Does nationalism have a relationship with the causes of the wars between 1792 and 1914? This can be disputed through the events of the French Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars, the unification struggles of Germany and Italy in the late 1800’s, the Alliance systems of the late 1800’s and the assassination of the Austrian archduke before the outbreak of World War 1. During the French Revolution in 1792, an effort was made to remove Austrian presence from French lands. This came about in part because King Louis XVI wanted to seek help from the Austrians to remove the reformers, persuading France to declare war on Austria. The Jacobins were afraid that this war would have an irreversible effect on the Revolution.†¦show more content†¦Many of the wars during this time led to nationalistic feelings in the countries that Napoleon had conquered. This became visible in the resistance of the Spanish and Prussians after Napoleon conquered them. Spain revolted because Napoleon took away the privileges of the nobles and made his brother, who the Spanish considered a foreigner, king. Similarly, during the War of Liberation, patriotic and nationalistic principles led Prussia to revolt against the French invasion. With great patriotism and nationalism, Prussia defeated France in1813. The Napoleonic Wars were not wars of nationalism, but were of one mans dream of being a conqueror. At another time in history, Bismarck was instrumental in the unification of Germany. It was his thirst for expansion and Prussian rule throughout Germany that drove him. It was during the unification of the southern states that nationalism played an essential role. With the help of Austria, Bismarck’s first strike was at Denmark in 1864. Austria only joined in the hope that Schleswig and Holstein would not become part of Prussia. This was a catalyst for the Austro-Prussian war in 1866 that resulted in the defeat of Austria. In agreement, Prussia assumed territorial control over Schleswig and Holstein and other German states. Consequently, this led to the unification of the northern states, leaving Austria out of Prussian affairsShow MoreRelatedEvil nationalism in total war3402 Words   |  14 Pageslike Germany has a very strong nationalism thinking in their mind, which helped them to build up the second largest navy through out the entire Europe and to be more aggressive o n declaring war on other nations. The assassination of Franz Ferdinand was a great chance for Germany to test their army, therefore Germany encouraged Austria to declare war on Serbia and claimed that she would provide help if Austria did that. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

A Brother s Murder By Brent Staples And My Father s Life

Families can mean a lot of different things to different people. For some family is everything, just knowing that someone is there for you during a personal crisis to help you and provide you with love is comforting. However, at the same time a family can be heartless and relentless providing you with no comfort, instead just pain and misery. We all can agree that families shape our development and how we view the world. From childhood our thoughts and actions are shaped based on experiences from a sibling or parent that went through them. However, the influence of a family could be positive or negative, whether it is showing us the right side or perhaps making the same mistakes. In literature many writers have been influenced by their families two great examples are â€Å"A Brother’s Murder† by Brent Staples and â€Å"My father’s Life† by Raymond Carver, both writers express in great detail how families have shaped and affected them as individuals. The essay â€Å"A Brother’s Murder† by Brent Staples basically shadows over the life of Brent staples and his younger brother Blake who has lost the battel of the streets to death. Unfortunately Brent’s early years were hard and rough, just southwest of Philadelphia as young boy all he ever faced was depression and violence. Throughout the story Staples tells his readers about many incidents involving guns and stabbings over small situations, which result in changing his opinions about life, opening his mind towards education leading to aShow MoreRelatedLaw and Order Injustice1120 Words   |  5 Pagesdrugs. The news reporters every day file cases of police officers using their power to control and abuse the law by hurting citizens by their image of clothing and color of their skin. In â€Å"A Brother’s Murder† a journalist talks about his experience living in a poor neighborhood and how his brother tragically died in a city of crime. No it does no t mean it is always out in the public there are cases where officers hide what they did and get away with it. The laws support the officers in their favor

Sunday, December 15, 2019

A review of McGregors X and Y Free Essays

string(35) " on how the Job needed to be done\." Theory X worker works with a Theory Y worker or a Theory X worker works with a theory Y manager (vise versa) will one of them have an effect on the other, or will things stay the same? Introduction God created everything naturally In this world to work. God asked Adam to mend his garden, asked Noah to build the ark; he created animals to be hunters and gatherers as there Job to survive in this world. Thousands of years later it is still a very natural thing for people to work. We will write a custom essay sample on A review of McGregors X and Y or any similar topic only for you Order Now Humans still naturally wake with the full intent to apply their life to something. It does not have to be the average monotonous daily, but work o humans Is as natural as flying Is to a bird. However, having the natural ability to work does not mean that there are not lazy or hard working people; there are two distinctive types of workers, an â€Å"X† worker and a worker. An â€Å"X† worker is typically a lazy worker, one who dislikes work and will do anything to avoid any obligations or duties. â€Å"X† workers also must be controlled, and given direction in order for them to achieve a performance goal for the day. A Y worker is typically self-directed, they learn to seek and accept responsibility, and have high potential for the work force; though both are still Intended to work. There are also two different types of productivity is essential and getting the most work or productivity out of the day. Style is the participative style. Employees will do the work they have to do with out being told what to do and when to do it. The two theories test the performance experience of employees. If Theory â€Å"X† is represented by worker â€Å"A† who is a bad worker, always late to work, and does an unacceptable work, one can naturally assume that they hate their Job situation or are lazy. If Theory is represented by worker â€Å"B† who is a better worker, never has to be told what to do, shows up on time ND does an outstanding Job around the office, then one can assume that they love their work and would be willing to do anything for their place of business, but if a theory Y manager (vise versa), will one of them have an effect on the other, or will things stay the same? Not everybody is influenced by someone, although people will do what they want considering, human nature is to follow by example almost like a monkey see monkey do. Literature Review In the sass’s, Theorist Douglas, McGregor examined theories to study performance of individual’s interactions and work style between workers at the work place. He designed it with the idea that a workers performance technique is based on motivation and social behavior. â€Å"McGregor Theory X and Theory Y were the foundation of the â€Å"Human Side of Enterprise† (Cunningham). Theory X is based on three core assumptions. â€Å"One, The average human being has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if at all possible, Two, Because of this human characteristic of dislike of work, most people must be coerced, controlled, directed, and threatened with punishment to get them to put forth adequate effort toward the achievement of equines objectives versus Just personal objectives, and three, the average person prefers to directed, wishes to avoid responsibility, has relatively little ambition and wants security above all else (Cunningham). According to Organization Theory: However, in situations where it is possible to obtain commitment to objectives, it is better to explain the matter fully so that employees grasp the purpose of an action. They will then exert self-direction and manage to do better work – quite possibly by better than if they had only been carrying out and order, which they did not fully, understand. Once control becomes persuaded that it is underestimating the potential of its human resources, and accepts the knowledge given by social science researchers and displayed by Theory Y assumptions, then it can invest time, money and effort in developing improved applications of the theory. McGregor realizes that some of the theories he has put forward are unrealizable in practice, but wants managers to put into operations the basic assumption that staff will contribute more to the organization if they are treated as responsible and valued employees (McGregor). McGregor believed Theory X individuals wanted to learn that work was a very natural thing, despite their lazy perspective they wanted to improve self-discipline and self- growth. McGregor believed Theory X employees saw their work as the freedom to try and do tough and challenging work by themselves. The manager’s Job was to try and unite the workers and make them strive for self-development in the business and Theory Y was difficult to enforce in a factory setting or in big warehouse areas. Patricia Travis said, â€Å"Theory Y according to McGregor was conducive to participative problem solving. He believed it was better to describe in full the task or topic at hand so that employees grasped the purpose†(Travis). Theory Y employees would show self-direction and self-control and honestly wanted to do better work and would do better work if they were to do a Job that they understood completely compared to a Job they did not fully understand. Managers found that the participative approach to problem solving showed much better results over the authoritarian order of controlling their employees and constantly nagging them. According to James Nellie who wrote in the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality â€Å"Theory X and Theory Y workers did not differ in their perception of the scenarios. However, additional analysis revealed that Theory X and Theory Y workers differed significantly in their perceptions of the effectiveness of the unethical behaviors portrayed in some of the scenarios† (301-311). The workers would understand the idea of the Job that was needed to be done but would not fully follow through one hundred percent on how the Job needed to be done. You read "A review of McGregors X and Y" in category "Papers" Sometimes it all just depends on how the manger relays the message to the worker and how the worker perceives it. Theory X and Theory Y style management have been a great practice to develop positive management styles and techniques. In the earlier years especially in the first few decades of the 20th century Theory X was dominating the business world and was the lead style to the mechanistic system of scientific management. Tim Handle wrote in the â€Å"Guide to Management Ideas and Gurus† that, â€Å"Theory X is an authoritarian style where the emphasis is on â€Å"productivity, on the concept of a fair days work, on the evils of feather-bedding and restriction of output, on rewards for performance (2003). Several managers are persuaded by the Theory X style but usually receives negative effects. McGregor questioned that management style and decision-making depended on which type of theory worked on their team. McGregor calls the management X theory the â€Å"stick and carrot† method of management. Managers would have to â€Å"police† their staff, and the workers would need to be pressured, scared and disciplined. This created a very frustrating and dark work environment for the managers and the workers. Theory Y assumes that people will exercise self-direction and self-control and will do everything on their own and will finish a Job with out being bribed or threatened. According to Business Destination Theory Y states â€Å"employees actually become more productive when more trust and responsibility is delegated to them† (2012). Y workers want to work, they want to be productive, and the act of accomplishing work and doing it well is a motivator. Y managers go with the flow and Just allow the workers to work. The Y theory stance is in a unique position; it has heightened awareness of management responsibilities for employer-employee relationships. McGregor urged many companies to try and use the Theory Y design or adopt it. McGregor believed it could titivated human beings and bring out their highest potential and help them achieve bigger goals. Theory X only satisfied a large number of the lower level needs and was nowhere near as productive. As stated before, Theory X expresses distrust in employees who are only working for money, or who try to get away by doing as little paycheck and you most certainly can not always be looking over the shoulder of the employees to make sure they are doing there Job correctly. Theory Y employees are almost the dream employee for a manager. Theory Y employees want to work towards a common goal, and they are able to organize themselves. As a manager those are the workers that you want, the one’s that you do not have to baby sit. These studies have shown that there is not one perfect approach to managing a X or Y worker. But from the research one can decide â€Å"the best method all depends on the nature of the work to be done† (Harvard Business Review). After significant research and collected data research has revealed that companies with highly expected tasks will perform better with dignified procedures. With uncertain tasks that require much brain use and problem solving, businesses that are not as organized and do to put a great deal of emphasize on self-discipline and self worth struggle to get the job done. But over all, it all depends on the development of the company and the business that fits the nature of the Job that needs to be done. A worker’s performance can be dependent on a worker’s environment or surroundings. A Theory X worker will apply themselves a fraction more and work a little harder if they are in the right conditions of hard working individuals. (Vise Versa) for the Y worker. If a Y worker is in an atmosphere of sluggish, not really wanting to work people they can potentially follow in those footprints. It is human nature to follow by example. This is why leadership is necessary. Leadership needs to take a stand to help fix and figure out problems a team may have. If a manager has three X workers and eight Y workers then the manager knowing that there is an impact on one worker from another should find a way to intermingle the works to keep them on and track hard working. If the X worker, works with the Y worker long enough eventually there should be some improvements. And of course this goes the other way as well, but a company wants the best results not the worst. So a company should not have their best errors, working with the worst workers. Methodology Twenty Graduate Level students enrolled in a Organizational Behavior class at a Liberal Arts University participating in two fifteen question surveys. Most of the students are from a varied educational background but all had at least a Bachelors degree, and all understood the theory being tested. The first of the two surveys was to indicate weather the situation and management style is the â€Å"X† or style and to find out how they would handle the situation. The second survey was to indicate whether the person prefers being managed by the â€Å"X† or style. Once figuring out who is an â€Å"X† and who is a the data will be analyzed and then each candidate will be separated into there respected category they belong to. Once the survey takers are separated into there respected category I will use these two surveys to try and prove if a Theory X worker works with a Theory Y worker or a Theory X worker works with a theory Y manager (or vise versa) will one of them have an effect on the other, or will things stay the same? I will look at all of the results and see if their answers lead towards them being affected by the other work or not. The information will be seed to see if they need a little extra push from the people around them or if they can handle most tasks with out having to be nagged and rode the whole time by a boss or someone one on the management team. In analyzing all of the surveys and calculating all of the results several re-occurring themes surfaced and proved many things to be true. In the event of trying to prove if a person was an X or Y worker seventy five percent of the survey takers said that they were Y workers. This is something that was assumed from a graduate level class at a prestigious university; one can figure that most, if not all, would be self-disciplined, ND hard working individuals. Of the 20 survey takers only twenty five percent were considered X workers. Of the twenty people surveyed on whether or not they preferred the X or Y management style not a single individual preferred the X management style, including the X style workers. The results showed a large number of different results as expected, but the results were about what one would expect. But with these results my hypothesis was unanswered. Of the twenty people that were surveyed five of them were X style workers and 1 5 of them were Y style workers. Of the twenty people that were surveyed, all of them preferred the Y style management. After reviewing the surveys and the most prominent themes were established the tasks of understanding the monkey see monkey do attitude between X and Y workers and X and Y managers was unclear. The surveys, although showing who were X and Y worker showed that the X workers preferred the Y style management. This shows that a person who needs a little push or a little more observation on the work floor can potentially learn or adapt better with a Y style manager. But at the same time the survey showed that even a Y style worker if paired with a X style manager or a X style worker can forget their Y style ways. It all Just depends on the individual person and there work style. With a better population of people taking the survey more facts and findings can be found, but with my test subjects and the surveys that they took these are the results found and help support my theory. Discussion McGregor believed that, workers wanted to work and that they would act like mature adults, and actually wanted to do what was best for the company. McGregor also believed that if management with a intended instructions explained things intended, the worker would do what was necessary, and likely, employees would collaborate without being intimidated. McGregor knew that many of his suggestions would be really hard to adapt to, maybe even near impossible to apply to the work place, but McGregor believed that when people, or staff, or any type of worker is treated with respect and treated like a worker rather than a trained monkey that the workers would give more and work harder and give as close to one hundred percent as they could. Limitations One limitation to this study could be that only small portions of people surveyed and, with the majority of these people being in their early twenties could these individuals have enough life experience and work experience to know exactly how to answer the questions. If the survey had encompassed a broader range of the American population, the results may have been different. Since Management Theory X is an older style maybe the older generation or the baby boomer generation may prefer that form of management a little more. Also with the older generation most where Generation Y is considered a little more lazy and not as self motivated. Generation Y may prefer the Y style management but is actually an X style worker. Another limitation to this study is the selection of survey participants. The survey participants were not selected randomly but used because they could immediately o the survey. The survey takers may have had previous knowledge of the theory, which could have effect the outcome. If the survey population had been selected randomly, there would have been a number of people surveyed who were not educated on the theory or not aware of the concepts. Knowledge of the concepts may have survey the takers to answer a certain way therefore creating different results. Despite these possible limitations, the results still stand and have many applications to practice and research and were still used to find answers Conclusion Though Theory X and Theory Y are basic and easy to understand, they provide a path or the future theorist and other people that want to study the nature of how people work and understand the changing world of human behavior with large amounts of information and research. The Theory was easy to study and understand, and it also allowed data collection to be Just as simple. From the above data, and of the students surveyed they preferred the Y work style but all had a preference towards Theory Y than Theory X management style. Even though the data shows one thing it may not technically have a significant, positive relationship between the overall outcomes or hat there is even a monkey see monkey do attitude. Therefore, the hypothesis of this research paper is not confirmed. How to cite A review of McGregors X and Y, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Do Science And Technology Provide A Solid free essay sample

Base For Technocracy Essay, Research Paper To reply this inquiry one must first understand that every politico-economic political orientation, like every spiritual belief, proclaims that it has the one true philosophy and that all others are wholly different or at opposite terminals. In most cases persons join in voluntary association to move upon those sentiments, thoughts or beliefs which they hold in common. These sentiments, thoughts or beliefs may or may non be based on facts and hence most end with black consequences. However one time thoughts have crystallized into organized action small inquiry is raised to their feasibleness or conformity to fact. Conclusively the aim of the group is either ab initio or finally the consequence of via media being either really limited or really general in range. This explains the ineffectualness of the emotional attack and the political generalization does non adequately specify the undertaking. The terminal consequence is the devising of a mountain out of a molehill where the accent is on the hyperbole and reduplication of minor differences while disregarding what they have in common. We will write a custom essay sample on Do Science And Technology Provide A Solid or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Technocracy partakes one individual component in that it is dependent on the voluntary association of persons moving upon certain thoughts upon which they are in understanding. Relatively it differs from all other societal motions since its common thoughts are non the consequence of philosophic understanding. Technocracy does in fact in theory demand scientific discipline and engineering to be based upon, but it is this scientific discipline and engineering that the public overlooks and assumes it as engineered engineering. Ideas of technology are in fact in our castanetss and portion of human nature and experience ( Petroski foreword ) . This statement by Petroski is the really footing of technocracy. With it one can claim that No, Science and Technology do non supply a base for Technocracy yet to be a technocrat is to be human. If we consider democracy or any other philosophy and compare it with this announcement so we may reason that one in their mundane life is more disposed to be a technocrat so a Democrat ( Petroski 16 ) . Technology and Engineers, we may presume include each single and each thought that lends itself to the productive slope in the life style of persons. Therefore embracing non merely scientists and applied scientists but besides instructors and experts in sections that are remotely necessary for the operation of a societal norm. O Ne may reason upon the failures of applied scientists and expansionists in the field of engineering throughout history but overlook the successes. Yet these successes and the convenience that these enlargements provide, argues Petroski are deserving endeavouring into sing the hazard associated with them when one weighs the retardation society would be faced with, had these enlargements non been made ( Petroski 61 ) . The prostration of the Mianus River Bridge in Connecticut can be called a fiasco of technology designs, every bit good as the Hyatt Regency Walkways and all other catastrophes ( Petroski 94-97 ) and without a uncertainty they were. But when one looks at the unmarked defects in the design it is non difficult to asseverate a degree of duty to the user, the operator and the client of the engineering. The defects in the design engineer us towards a better solution ( Petroski 57 ) . Should we compare this state of affairs to an socio-economic debacle much like the recent clang of the Indonesian economic system, it would put the incrimination of a catastrophe towards the system in power, the democracy and the apparatus of the economic establishment. This and any other political failure would take us to presume that states based on administration that are plutocratic in nature should be dismantled and reassembled following a successful lineation for a authorities as any building based on su dden failed designs should be reconstructed ( Graham 81 ) . Science and Technology are in fact the designs upon which Technocracy bases itself. They are the loaning hands to this new societal order subverting the antediluvian signifier of Politico-Economic regulation over society by the plutocrats. The systems waste of unreplaceable natural and human resources, of air and H2O pollution and worse debasement to these resources to follow, offer no option. The functional population of the universe are non needfully trained to state people what to make though. The growing of technocracy has followed of course upon the formation of common thoughts based on facts. Growth by such methods has been slow but it has been a selective procedure that will guarantee a rank of the type required. The American Nation was founded on the premise that every adult male has the right to life, autonomy and the chase of felicity. Technocracy amplifies this original purpose and bases it on the demand to prosecute that in which we are of course as human existences incli ned, technology ( Petroski foreword ) .