Monday, September 30, 2019

Describing of how Accessing a Aange of Services and Facilities can be Beneficial to an Individual’s Wellbeing

An individual‘s well-being may benefit in a number of ways through the accessing of range of service and facilities, these may include a benefit to their physical well-being, when they can easily and encouraged to access facilities such leisure centres to exercise. And sometimes this can improve their physical stamina in dealing with some of physical limitation. As the session in the swimming pool at the day center, where service users with physical limitation try to force themselves in movements to enjoy the time that they spend inside the pool.Identify barriers that individuals may encounter in accessing services and facilities Barriers that individuals may encounter in accessing services and facilities are; -Distance. Not all transports are provided to get access to wheelchairs therefore it require a special vehicle -Education. Lack of information is a barrier for an individual to access services -Opportunity cost. Cost may be prohibitive or there may not be staff available to give support. Also cultural and social barriers may affect the individual in accessing to services and facilitiesDescribe ways of overcoming barriers to accessing services and facilities -Providing specialist transport such a vans with ramps for wheelchair access or team of specially trained people who know how to professionally escort people with mental issues in accessing other facilities and service -Lack of information is a barrier and can be addressed by presenting as much information on the type of the services, who the service is for and the proper use of facilities.-Special equipment such hoist are required for some individual and a number of well trained staff to allow service users to benefit of it -With our multicultural world there has been a rise in the need for interpreters and this has been recognised in most government institutions where they facilitate for those that may be not able to understand English and may need an interpreter. Explain why it is important to support individuals to challenge information about services that may present a barrier to participationSupporting individuals who challenge information about services that threaten participation help to encourage more people into participating. Finding out which things put a hamper on participation will help to make more associate themselves with the activity. How to ensure individuals’ rights and preferences are promoted when accessing and using services and facilities The most effective way to ensure individual’s right and preferences is always asking them permission. Explain well, in the clerer way what we are going to do, and asking them if the are agreed on that.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Online food ordering system Essay

Abstract: Online food ordering services are websites that feature interactive menus allowing customers to place orders with local restaurants and food cooperatives. Much like ordering consumer goods online, many of these allow customers to keep accounts with them in order to make frequent ordering convenient. A customer will search for a favorite restaurant, choose from available items, and choose delivery or pick-up. Payment can be amongst others by credit card or cash. Description Of webpage 1. About us: This page provides the user the details of the restaurant name , contact details and location of all the restaurants. User login section for registration and can have account details. 2. Cart detail screen: User can add the products to the cart and report the number of products and cost of the each food item will be displayed. 3. Order Screen: Has the details of the food order done by the user. 4. Payment screen: When users pay amount through online using any of the payment type. PROJECT DETAILS: Title: Online Food Ordering Domain: Web Technology Front-end: PHP Script Back-end: MySQL Database Category: PHP/MySQL projects Advantagesof Online food ordering system: 1. Users can order the food without visiting the hotels or restaurants. 2. Users from any location can order the food by looking at the food items and pay in advance or at the time of delivery. 3. Save users time. Conclusion: The online food ordering system will be helpful for the hotels and  restaurants to increase the scope of the business by helping users to give order through online.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Contract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Contract - Essay Example Remedies for breach of contract will be the mode of enforcing the contract and will be implemented through mutual agreement of the parties, and where agreement cannot be reached, through litigation processes. Specific performance will be the principle remedy for breach of the contract unless it is terminated by a legally recognized cause (Bose 75). Breach of the contract without substantial financial implication to the offended party will generate liquidated damages with an equivalent value to the benefits that the offended party would have derived for the remaining period for which the contract would run (Miller and Jentz 296). The client shall pay a sum of $ 7000 per month. The amount shall be paid through the service’s provider’s bank account and shall be made on the fifth day of the following month of service, or the first working day if the day after the fifth day of the month is a public holiday or a weekend. Modification of terms to the contract shall be on mutual agreement between the client and the service provider and shall be supported by consideration. Such modifications shall also be in writing (Mann and Roberts

Friday, September 27, 2019

Projectd Mangement Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Projectd Mangement - Case Study Example If another individual takes the responsibility of overlooking the project and taking its name under himself, it can pose as a problem between the two individuals. The person who is taking the responsibility of the project can go to any lengths to make the other person work, external pressure from that person can make the project manager undertake a lot of decisions which the manager never intended to take. Due to this, the project manager also has to be answerable to all the resulting problems with the other person sitting at the corner. Therefore, considering all the above communicational problems, I would not have taken the project if someone else in the team referred to my project as their baby. 2. The biggest moral and ethical issue that Gary is facing in this situation is hiding the facts from the whole team and specially the customer who in this case is the Lord's Corporation. In order to get the contract, the company official ordered Gary to lie about the temperature specifications of the raw materials, convincing him by saying that they can later ask the customer change the specifications when they win the contract. Keeping an open communication flow between the people related to the project and the stakeholders is the prime responsibility of a project manager (Heerkeens, 2001). ... 3. Gary Anderson was awarded the position of the project manager for the Blue Spider Project. Undertaking his responsibilities, he had to report to the director of program management and his major responsibility was that of cost handling, time management and administration. Gary was chosen to become the Project manager because Gable wanted an expert in the Technical department so that he can get all the help about the R&D from that person. Also, the biggest responsibility as a project manager was the ability to communicate verbally and nonverbally, the ability to motivate people. With time, as matters worsened, Gary took the responsibility of undertaking minutes of the meeting and all the undergoing of the project. Also, since his area of expertise was engineering and not administration, he was more focused on the R&D and was giving away his responsibility of cutting down costs, communicating with other departments and the customer; in short administrative responsibilities were negle cted by him, which were his prime responsibility. 4. The functional employees of the customer and contractor should be allowed to certain standards and levels and not all the way. The reason for is that there should be a level of transparency and co-operation and trust between the two parties which can make huge projects work. Too much work can make the workers feel that their personal space to work is being invaded and can hamper their performance. However, in order to keep a fair level of transparency and accountability on the part of the workers, the functional workers should be allowed to communicate without the formal to some extent. 5. A

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Characteristics of Servant Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Characteristics of Servant Leadership - Essay Example There are distinctly identified characteristics of servant leaders which influence the behavior of individuals, groups and organizations as they make a profound impact to the society in general. This essay would identify two servant leadership characteristics and proffer how these characteristics are used along with collaboration to influence various individuals and groups. In addition, the areas that leaders could focus on, personally, and through their organizations, would be identified to make an impact and improve society. Larry C. Spears, Chief Executive Officer of The Greenleaf Center for Servant-Leadership, has identified ten (10) characteristics of effective, caring leaders. Spears (2006, 2) averred that â€Å"servant-leadership seeks to involve others in decision making, is strongly based in ethical and caring behavior, and it enhances the personal growth of workers while improving the caring and quality of organizational life.† Thereby, he identified the ten characteristics of servant leaders as skills in (1) listening, (2) empathy, (3) healing, (4) awareness, (5) persuasion, (6) conceptualization, (7) foresight, (8) stewardship, (9) commitment to the growth of people, and (10) building community. These characteristics were confirmed in another discourse written by De Graaf, Tilley & Neal (2001, 1) A servant leader characteristic that is critical and relevant in influencing individual members, groups, organizations as they move to impact society in general, is efficient and effective listening skills. A servant leader has genuine interest to determine the needs, feelings, will, and messages of his followers through intent listening. Through listening, the servant leader determines and absorbs the innermost thoughts of his constituents. Since his objective is to solicit active involvement and participation of his followers in decision making processes, listening enables the servant leader to collect inputs from his followers

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Experience mis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Experience mis - Assignment Example Again, Laudon & Laudon, (2011) argues that listening to the needs of the customers is a way of improving the market product produced by the market. Ensuring that communication between customers and the staff is enhanced offers a pathway for feedback. Creating barriers to new entry into the market is important to a business’ success (Laudon & Laudon, 2011). Using information systems, the restaurant can effectively provide barriers to any new entrants in the market. For example, the restaurant can use customer feedback to ensure that the customers remain satisfied. Customer satisfaction leads to customer loyalty and hence any new competition finds it difficult to operate effectively. On top of that, the restaurant can use its network to research on any new product that is coming up in the market. This ensures that the customers are not enticed to shift loyalty to the new entrant because the restaurant provides all the products the customers need. Therefore, the use of information systems is paramount to the restaurant’s success in blocking any new entry of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Psychiatric Nursing Reflective journals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Psychiatric Nursing Reflective journals - Essay Example To my queries, she had just stared at me as if she was scared but today she called me up. Seizing the opportunity, I moved up. Nervously pulling me to her side and looking around to ensure that nobody was within hearing distance, she whispered in my ear. Her neighbor was plotting to kill her and her husband, it seemed. She had heard noises from her backyard which sounded like gunshots when she had been in the kitchen at home. Her movements appeared jerky and speech was not incoherent but appeared monotonous. Realizing that her suspicious and guarded nature was characteristic of her condition, paranoid schizophrenia, I pretended to be a good listener to gain her confidence. She claimed that the neighbor of around her age was attracted to her and was eyeing her sexually. Several times he had approached her for sexual favors. She had told her husband about this but he did not believe her. At times the neighbor had thrown stones at her house when she was alone and had rung the doorbell s everal times. Each time she went to the door, there would be no one. Saying all of this at one go, she quickly pushed me aside when she noticed the nursing supervisor arriving. When the supervisor had left, Mrs. Jones again strode up to me and caught my attention. She told me that her husband was a good man but he did not believe her stories and told me to keep what she told a secret. Half an hour later, Mrs. Jones did not appear to want to talk with me. When I smiled at her, she seemed to have no recognition. I was a little taken back by the stony look on her face. Her husband had told me that she was a receptionist in a hotel and very much appreciated by the others and customers. Believing that she was then well, she had stopped her treatment. He had not noticed the medicines not being taken. This had triggered this episode. She had also not kept her appointments with the psychotherapist. Anyone would have

Monday, September 23, 2019

Baseball Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Baseball - Essay Example This left other teams with no good players which led top poor performances thus loss of fan bases and eventually lack of pulling crowds charisma. Such leagues always folded their teams and left the game as they could not afford to play anymore. As such the good players from these teams were paid to join the winning teams which only increased competition and led to the imbalance. These movements saw a large number of players frequently shift teams. This led to a set of rules to be made by the baseball industry in 1879 to 1888. These rules restricted player movements and even pays thus creating a monopoly in the baseball industry. These monopolistic rules stripped the players of all rights thus the owners thrived in the games at the expense of the players. That is more money was received from ticket sales, which were also, being printed by the owners, while players were viewed as workers who worked for a standard salary. Furthermore, there was no work security as players were sacked frequently with little or no explanations. This situation angered the players and even the fans. A player named Cartwright formed the first player’s league in 1890. This meant that players who felt that the monopolistic rules were hurting them could join. Many joined the player’s league, and they drew in large crowds even when they were losing. This laxity of rules saw players move teams whenever they liked, and this caused a massive problem. This is because revolving of players hurt the fan base loyalty and game attendance. Furthermore, exemplary players were given large contracts while rising players were paid less. Owners of the teams lacked control over the players thus set up rules that would ensure standardization and regulation. This saw the league constitution set up in 1876. This constitution led the baseball team a try at organized games. The baseball

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Essay Example for Free

Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Essay Throughout the novel the Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao Yunior tells the story of oscars family that is allegedly cursed by the Fuku. The dominican family that roots back to when Trujillo was in power has been tragical effected by the Fuku. The main character Oscar is an awkward Dominican that balms his failures on the curse of the Fuku. The curse started back in the Dominican republic when the oppressive dictator Trujillo convicted oscars grandfather Abelard who was a respected doctor for conspiracy. When oscars grandfather was put in jail he was tortured and beaten, this was the origin of the curse for the Waos. Like a gene the curse has been passed down the family to oscar. The author Junot Diaz uses the motif of the Fuku to illustrate how bani allows her awful past to dramatically affect her and children. Everyone that lived in the dominican was in some way negatively effected by Trujillo. Oscar Wao was a living example of the fuku and how not only Trujillo effected the dominican people of his time but even the people two generations later. For example (p.5)â€Å"wether I believe in what many have described as the great american doom is not really the point. You live as long as I did in the heart of Fuku country, you hear these kinds of tales all the time everybody in san domingo has a Fuku story knocking around in their family.† Yunior is expressing the fact that even if you are not a believer of the Fuku curse if you are dominican there is a good chance it has affected you or your family. When oscars mother was left an orphan she was put through unbelievably awful circumstances much like her fathers. This time in Banis life effect who she became and how she parented Oscar.(78)â€Å"From 1951 on, â€Å"hija† and â€Å"madre† running their famous bakery near the plaza central and keeping their fading, airless house in tip-top shape. (before 1951, our orphan girl had lived with another foster family, monsterous people if the rumors are to be believed, a dark period of her life neither she nor her madre ever referenced. Their very own pagina en blanco). This quotation refers to how oscars mother was effected by the Fuku. The reason she was an orphan was because Trujillo killed her parents. The events of her childhood were a direct result of Trujillo but Bani had the power to put the past in the past and parent Oscar the right way, because Bani did not do this the Fuku lives on. Many times in the book a Wao has been injured almost to the point of death. Once was when Oscar attempted suicide. Oscars Suicide attempt was not just because he lost the first girl he has ever loved it was also because of how Oscar had almost no self esteem. Even his own mother would belittle him from a young age. The suicide attempt went wrong and Oscar survived to live another day. (p.191) â€Å"Except that this one of the garden dividers that they planted shrubs on and he hit the freshly tilled loam and not the concrete.† Because he hit the fresh loam he survived with many harsh injures instead of plummeting to his death as planned. This was an incident in Oscar Waos life that was a result of his failures like his failure to love or be loved. This failure stems back to how his mother raised him with very tough love because of the her childhood. The novel clearly illustrated how the Fuku has effected all Dominican people even if they had immigrated off the island. To me this novel is not about dominican people and there history it is about how only one man effected millions of lives not only in one point it time but for generations to come. Junot Diaz shows the reader how we all have the power to stop horrible things like the Fuku from effecting the next generation but you must have the power to leave the past in the past.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Meat Industry Essay Example for Free

Meat Industry Essay People all over the world eat meat for its nutritional value and taste. The United States Department of Agriculture reports that in the year 2011 people in the U.S consumed 25.6 billion pounds of beef. Most of this meat was produced in America. A Holistic approach to food production is important in order to improve the quality of beef. What we feed our cattle, the housing conditions and the slaughter procedure directly impacts our food. What the farmers feed cattle directly affects the quality of beef for the consumer. The cow has many more benefits from eating grass than being fed corn. It is a lot healthier for cows to consume grass because that is what their stomachs are made for. The stomachs have three sections that are made specifically for digesting grass (Healthy Theory -Corn-Fed Vs. Grass-Fed Beef). Today, most cows are put on a diet that is based on corn. The cows used to be fed grass and roam free but since than there have been changes. The idea about feeding cattle grain began during World War II. It all started when farmers were producing more grain than the American population could handle, so the rest of it was fed to cows. It was discovered that feeding a cow different types of grains fattened them up a lot faster than when cows were consuming grass. With a grass fed diet, it takes cows about five years to reach 1,200 pounds. However, with the grain-based diet it takes a cow about 390 days to get to a reachable weight for slaughter (Healthy Theory -Corn-Fed Vs. Grass-Fed Beef). Also, the producer benefits more from feeding his cows corn because it is cheaper than grass. Therefore, a diet based on corn is more cost effective but the quality of meat has less nutritional value (Why Grass Fed- Health Benefits of Grass Fed Beef). The consumer benefits more from meat that comes from cows that consume grass rather than in-taking different types of grains. The cow is a lot healthier and happier when it is eating grass, which results in higher quality meat. Since cows’ stomachs are meant to break down grass, a corn based diet causes changes in the digestion of a cow leading to serious health problems, such as diarrhea, ulcers, and a weakened immune system. As a result of these issues, the cows are given antibiotics to help prevent this from occurring, which makes the meat unhealthier (Healthy Theory -Corn-F ed Vs. Grass-Fed Beef). Another huge topic of concern is the disregard of animal welfare. These animals aren’t being cared for and they are treated as units of production (Learn About The Issues). In order to fatten up cows in time for slaughter, many farmers put them in feedlots. The conditions these cows go through are unbearable. As many cows as possible are crammed into each pen. The result of this is massive amounts of waste covering the animals living space (The Issues Animal Welfare). This causes the air to be unhealthy and creates many gases and diseases that aren’t wanted. During the whole time the cows are in the feedlot they are breathing in methane gas. Large amounts of methane are bad for animals because it takes away oxygen from the air, which can affect the central nervous system (2- Health Effects of Methane). The alternative is a more holistic way, which allows the cattle to roam around freely on huge pastures until they get fat enough to get slaughtered. In the United States, animal welfare is being ignored, because cows are being treated i n a cruel and unhealthy way. When they are living in the feedlots, they are covered with manure and aren’t being cared for. As soon as cows are fat enough to get slaughtered, they are sent to the closest slaughterhouse. On their journey they are faced with heartbreaking situations. They are often transported from 1,200 to 1,500 miles away in scorching hot weather or freezing temperatures. Dr. Lester Friedlander, a former U.S. Department of Agriculture veterinarian inspector said, â€Å"They are crammed onto trucks and go without food or water for days†. When it is cold, they are in the back of a trailer with nothing covering them. As the driver drives sixty miles per hour, cows are being exposed to a variety of extreme weather. Many cows collapse in hot weather. While they are traveling they urinate. After sometime it begins to freeze while their hooves are standing in it. Also, the fur of the cows â€Å"†¦ freezes to the sides of the trucks until workers pry them off with crowbars†(Cow Transport and Slaughter). When the cows get to the slaughterhouse, they are often in bad conditions. Most of them are sick and cannot walk because they are too weak. In order to move weak and injured cows they are dragged along with a bulldozer by a chain around their neck or leg. Even though they are in bad shape, cows are still being used for their meat because it means more money in the producer’s pocket. If some of the cows are able to walk, they are still abused. Workers beat them with a metal rod in order to move them faster (The Humane Society of the United States). Also, before they are killed the cows are lined up to wait for their turn to be stunned so that they will pass out before they get slaughtered. Sometimes the stunning procedure does not work. Ramon Moreno, a slaughterhouse worker has stated that he often has to cut the legs off of cows that are completely conscious. â€Å"They blink. They make noises, he says. The head moves, the eyes are wide and looking around. †¦ They die piece by piece. If workers try to report that the cows are still alive they risk loosing their jobs (Cow Transport and Slaughter). After cows reach a certain weight they are ready to be slaughtered for meat consumption. The process of turning cows into packe d meat can cause the meat to be infected. Before they are slaughtered, cows are cleaned. However, in some cases not well enough. The waste of the cow can get into the processed meat that is being cut by the workers. This can contaminate the meat with E-coli, which is a type of bacteria that can lead to death. â€Å"According to Centers for Disease Control estimates, up to 20,400 cases of E. coli infection and 500 deaths from E-coli disease occur annually in the United States† (Escherichia Coli 0157:H7). Another disease that is created in these fast paced industries is mad cow disease. (the issues-slaughterhouses and processing). Mad cow disease affects the cow’s nervous system and it causes the cow to act confused and loose control of the ability to walk (What is Mad Cow Disease). When people eat infected beef they may contract a human version of mad cow disease. It affects the nervous system causing depression and loss of coordination. As it becomes more severe, it causes dementia (The Basics of Mad Cow Disease). With our modern day technology, slaughterhouses are able to kill thousands and thousands of cow’s every day. There are many solutions that can change the food industry to produce their meat in a more animal friendly way. To help cut back more meat being produced in factories, consumers can support local farms by eating food that is grown locally. Holistic farming care for their animals and focus on getting delicious, healthy meat than just producing more and more for profit. The food quality of holistic farmed meat is a lot better because the cows are raised and treated well as opposed to when the animals are abused their whole life. If we really want a change, it is up to Americans to demand that. Currently, laws support the industrial farming methods and lack the attempt of helping small farms grow. An example is that American tax money goes to support research and the operating cost of large food producing companies (Learn About the Issues). In order for there to be a change, citizens need to become aware of the process. Change will happen by the consumer supporting politicians who are looking to change the food industry. Consequently, producers would need to be more focused on the care of the animals than earning as much money as possible. What American farmers feed their cattle, where they raise them and how they get slaughtered directly impacts the quality of our food. It is important for consumers to be aware of the United States food industry because there is so much more behind the food brought to you in the supermarket. If the consumer buys meat that is produced holistically, and legislation puts focus on the care of animals, the food industry will be forced to improve their methods.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Jane Eyre Book Report

Jane Eyre Book Report The main character of the book is Jane Eyre (round character). The book follows her through her troubled childhood and life as a young woman. She is a gentle and intelligent girl, but she has no confidence in herself because she is raised by her aunt who does not love her. She has no family and is completely unprotected by social position. When the novel begins, she is an isolated, powerless ten-year-old girl who lives with her aunt and cousins who dislike her. As the novel progresses, she grows in strength. Jane Eyre slowly develops from an unhappy young girl learning the hardships of life, into a happy and contented woman. At the end of the novel, she has become a powerful, independent woman living together with the man she loves: Mr. Rochester. Charlotte Brontà « was born in 1816 in Thornton in Yorkshire, England. She was the third child of Patrick Brontà « and Maria Branwell and was soon followed by her brother Patrick Branwell in 1817, her sister Emily in 1818 and her sister Anne in 1820. Her father was a poor English clergyman and was eccentric and abusive. In 1821 the family moved to Haworth, after her father find work at a church there. In the same year her mother dies of cancer. In 1824 Charlotte and three of her sisters were sent to study at the Clergy Daughters School at Cowan Bridge. The conditions at the school were poor and they were treated with inhuman severity. The Lowood School in Jane Eyre was based on this school and Miss Scatcherd in the novel was based on the manager of the school. A fever broke out at the school and the girl returned home, but two of the sisters, Maria and Elizabeth, died of tuberculosis. The experience of Cowan Bridge and the loss of her sisters had an effect on Charlotte. With their father not communicating much with them and having no real contact with the outside world, the children spent their time reading and creating their own imaginary worlds. When Charlotte was nineteen years old, she became a teacher. But because of her bad health, she had to give it up. She later worked watching over the children of wealthy families as a governess. But the people treated her poorly, so she had to give this up too. She decided then to attend a language school in Brussels with her sisters Emily and Anne and fell in love with a married professor at the school, but she never fully admitted the fact to herself. After returning to Haworth in 1844, Charlotte Brontà « became depressed. She was lonely and felt that she lacked the ability to do any creative work. She discovered that both of her sisters had been writing poetry, as she had. They decided to publish selected poems of all three sisters; in 1846 a collection of their was published under the pseudonyms of Currer (Charlotte), Ellis (Emily) and Acton (Anne) Bell. Charlotte contributed 19 poems. Then they decided to each write a novel and to publish them. Her sisters novels were accepted for publication, but Charlottes first novel The Professor, based upon her Brussels experience, was rejected and was not published until after her death. Charlotte Brontà «s second novel, Jane Eyre, was published in 1847. It became the most successful book of the year and it was translated into most of the languages of Europe. Despite her success as a writer, Charlotte Brontà « continued to live a quiet life in Yorkshire. In 1854 she married Arthur Nicholls, a man who had once worked as an assistant to her father, but she died within a year of their marriage on March 31, 1955. Summary. Jane Eyre is a young orphan being raised by Mrs. Reed, her cruel, wealthy aunt. A servant named Bessie provides Jane with some of the few kindnesses she receives, telling her stories and singing songs to her. One day, as punishment for fighting with her bullying cousin John Reed, Janes aunt imprisons Jane in the red-room, the room in which Janes Uncle Reed died. While locked in, Jane, believing that she sees her uncles ghost, screams and faints. She wakes to find herself in the care of Bessie and the kindly apothecary Mr. Lloyd, who suggests to Mrs. Reed that Jane be sent away to school. To Janes delight, Mrs. Reed concurs. Once at the Lowood School, Jane finds that her life is far from idyllic. The schools headmaster is Mr. Brocklehurst, a cruel, hypocritical, and abusive man. Brocklehurst preaches a doctrine of poverty and privation to his students while using the schools funds to provide a wealthy and opulent lifestyle for his own family. At Lowood, Jane befriends a young girl named Helen Burns, whose strong, martyr like attitude toward the schools miseries is both helpful and displeasing to Jane. A massive typhus epidemic sweeps Lowood, and Helen dies of consumption. The epidemic also results in the departure of Mr. Brocklehurst by attracting attention to the insalubrious conditions at Lowood. After a group of more sympathetic gentlemen takes Brocklehursts place, Janes life improves dramatically. She spends eight more years at Lowood, six as a student and two as a teacher. After teaching for two years, Jane yearns for new experiences. She accepts a governess position at a manor called Thornfield, where she teaches a lively French girl named Adà ¨le. The distinguished housekeeper Mrs. Fairfax presides over the estate. Janes employer at Thornfield is a dark, impassioned man named Rochester, with whom Jane finds herself falling secretly in love. She saves Rochester from a fire one night, which he claims was started by a drunken servant named Grace Poole. But because Grace Poole continues to work at Thornfield, Jane concludes that she has not been told the entire story. Jane sinks into despondency when Rochester brings home a beautiful but vicious woman named Blanche Ingram. Jane expects Rochester to propose to Blanche. But Rochester instead proposes to Jane, who accepts almost disbelievingly. The wedding day arrives, and as Jane and Mr. Rochester prepare to exchange their vows, the voice of Mr. Mason cries out that Rochester already has a wife. Mason introduces himself as the brother of that wife a woman named Bertha. Mr. Mason testifies that Bertha, whom Rochester married when he was a young man in Jamaica, is still alive. Rochester does not deny Masons claims, but he explains that Bertha has gone mad. He takes the wedding party back to Thornfield, where they witness the insane Bertha Mason scurrying around on all fours and growling like an animal. Rochester keeps Bertha hidden on the third story of Thornfield and pays Grace Poole to keep his wife under control. Bertha was the real cause of the mysterious fire earlier in the story. Knowing that it is impossible for her to be with Rochester, Jane flees Thornfield. Penniless and hungry, Jane is forced to sleep outdoors and beg for food. At last, three siblings who live in a manor alternatively called Marsh End and Moor House take her in. Their names are Mary, Diana, and St. John Rivers, and Jane quickly becomes friends with them. St. John is a clergyman, and he finds Jane a job teaching at a charity school in Morton. He surprises her one day by declaring that her uncle, John Eyre, has died and left her a large fortune: 20,000 pounds. When Jane asks how he received this news, he shocks her further by declaring that her uncle was also his uncle: Jane and the Rivers are cousins. Jane immediately decides to share her inheritance equally with her three newfound relatives. St. John decides to travel to India as a missionary, and he urges Jane to accompany him as his wife. Jane agrees to go to India but refuses to marry her cousin because she does not love him. St. John pressures her to reconsider, and she nearly gives in. However, she realizes that she cannot abandon forever the man she truly loves when one night she hears Rochesters voice calling her name over the moors. Jane immediately hurries back to Thornfield and finds that it has been burned to the ground by Bertha Mason, who lost her life in the fire. Rochester saved the servants but lost his eyesight and one of his hands. Jane travels on to Rochesters new residence, Ferndean, where he lives with two servants named John and Mary. At Ferndean, Rochester and Jane rebuild their relationship and soon marry. At the end of her story, Jane writes that she has been married for ten blissful years and that she and Rochester enjoy perfect equality in their life together. She says that after two years of blindness, Rochester regained sight in one eye and was able to behold their first son at his birth. [1] Personal evaluation. I think Jane Eyre is a very good novel, for its great theme, its moving plots and its happy ending. The story develops in a way that holds your interest as Jane meets Mr. Rochester and the secrets of Thornfield Hall are revealed. The characters are very realistic written and its an exciting story, so I can recommend this novel to other people. [1] =

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Urban Legend of Cry Baby Bridge :: Ghost Stories Urban Legends

Cry Baby Bridge The legend I collected was told to me by one of my softball teammates. My teammate is twenty-two years old. She told me this story on our team bus while we were driving at about noon. The atmosphere was light as a few of my other teammates were listening to, and quoting Dane Cook – a popular comedian. Here is the legend she told: There is this small bridge in a small city nearby. There was a car accident and a small child or baby died. And, um, it was in the local papers. It is said that at night, when your drive over it, you can hear the sound of a baby crying. And you know how signs on the side of the road reflect light and stuff? Well, you can’t see it with normal lighting, but when a car’s lights hit the sign at the right angle, you can see a baby’s footprints. My teammate originally heard this story from her classmates during her junior year in high school. My teammate had no problems remembering the story; she was more worried that I would think she thought it was true. There were pauses in her story telling as I wrote down what she said. She related the story with little emotion or suspense. The laughter in the background also affected the impact of the legend because it is difficult to be scared when there is laughter all around. My teammate also did not make a significant effort to enhance the effect of the story through hand motions or vocal tone inflections. Throughout the United States there are other legends and stories similar to the one my teammate told. A similar legend was told to me by my friend from high school. She is nineteen years old. She originally told me the story our sophomore year. I asked her to re-tell it to me a few weeks ago over the phone. There was not much emotion in her voice. Also, there were not many pauses as she had to tell me quickly because she had a class. In Aurora, Colorado, there is a legend about the Third Bridge. The Third Bridge can be found on Quincy Road heading east out of town. The bridge is next to a power plant in an otherwise, dusty, and deserted area of land. The legend states that a van of young children crashed and everyone was killed. Urban Legend of Cry Baby Bridge :: Ghost Stories Urban Legends Cry Baby Bridge The legend I collected was told to me by one of my softball teammates. My teammate is twenty-two years old. She told me this story on our team bus while we were driving at about noon. The atmosphere was light as a few of my other teammates were listening to, and quoting Dane Cook – a popular comedian. Here is the legend she told: There is this small bridge in a small city nearby. There was a car accident and a small child or baby died. And, um, it was in the local papers. It is said that at night, when your drive over it, you can hear the sound of a baby crying. And you know how signs on the side of the road reflect light and stuff? Well, you can’t see it with normal lighting, but when a car’s lights hit the sign at the right angle, you can see a baby’s footprints. My teammate originally heard this story from her classmates during her junior year in high school. My teammate had no problems remembering the story; she was more worried that I would think she thought it was true. There were pauses in her story telling as I wrote down what she said. She related the story with little emotion or suspense. The laughter in the background also affected the impact of the legend because it is difficult to be scared when there is laughter all around. My teammate also did not make a significant effort to enhance the effect of the story through hand motions or vocal tone inflections. Throughout the United States there are other legends and stories similar to the one my teammate told. A similar legend was told to me by my friend from high school. She is nineteen years old. She originally told me the story our sophomore year. I asked her to re-tell it to me a few weeks ago over the phone. There was not much emotion in her voice. Also, there were not many pauses as she had to tell me quickly because she had a class. In Aurora, Colorado, there is a legend about the Third Bridge. The Third Bridge can be found on Quincy Road heading east out of town. The bridge is next to a power plant in an otherwise, dusty, and deserted area of land. The legend states that a van of young children crashed and everyone was killed.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Carnieros Theory :: essays research papers

The land of Mesoamerica changes through time and conflict. Carneiro’s theory defines a state as “an autonomous political unit, encompassing many communities within its territory and having a centralized government with the power to collect taxes, draft men for work or war, and decree and enforce laws.'; Carneiro’s model of Mesoamerica shows the growth of two states, Uruk and Susa.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Caneiro’s theory, the two states follow his philosophy by the book. A slow rise in population also increases the growth of control. Thus more people in one area, the greater power they posses over others. However, superiority arouses the problems of war. When a state is on top, someone is always out there looking to surpass them. Conflict rises due to this discrepancy of a high and mighty population. A slight decrease from 4 to 3 in control leaves many possible reasons open. One possibility could be a rebellious or fleeing group, causing the state to become smaller. Fortunately, a successful state possesses resilience and is able to bounce back. Many social factors are necessary to cause state origins.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Environmental Circumscription is a major factor in the creation and existence of states. Environmental Circumscription is obtaining the good, scarce land from the surrounding dry land and being able to maintain and keep it from surrounding states. Social Circumscription can also be a deciding factor on the length of existence of each state. It is the relative closeness of a group of people, that results in everyday confrontations and increases chances of fighting. The last factor is Resource Concentration. This is one of the most prominent reasons behind war. When a certain area or state has certain resources that others do not, conflict arises. Trading may occur for a period of time, but when then the other states lack trading materials, war can break out. The increase in population and high political control can be factors in archaeologically identifying a state. It takes time to reach a maximum level of control, and certain estimates of age can be made. When an area reaches the 4-5 range of political control, it is considered a state.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Carneiro’s model can be seen in this example as true. Carnieros Theory :: essays research papers The land of Mesoamerica changes through time and conflict. Carneiro’s theory defines a state as “an autonomous political unit, encompassing many communities within its territory and having a centralized government with the power to collect taxes, draft men for work or war, and decree and enforce laws.'; Carneiro’s model of Mesoamerica shows the growth of two states, Uruk and Susa.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Caneiro’s theory, the two states follow his philosophy by the book. A slow rise in population also increases the growth of control. Thus more people in one area, the greater power they posses over others. However, superiority arouses the problems of war. When a state is on top, someone is always out there looking to surpass them. Conflict rises due to this discrepancy of a high and mighty population. A slight decrease from 4 to 3 in control leaves many possible reasons open. One possibility could be a rebellious or fleeing group, causing the state to become smaller. Fortunately, a successful state possesses resilience and is able to bounce back. Many social factors are necessary to cause state origins.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Environmental Circumscription is a major factor in the creation and existence of states. Environmental Circumscription is obtaining the good, scarce land from the surrounding dry land and being able to maintain and keep it from surrounding states. Social Circumscription can also be a deciding factor on the length of existence of each state. It is the relative closeness of a group of people, that results in everyday confrontations and increases chances of fighting. The last factor is Resource Concentration. This is one of the most prominent reasons behind war. When a certain area or state has certain resources that others do not, conflict arises. Trading may occur for a period of time, but when then the other states lack trading materials, war can break out. The increase in population and high political control can be factors in archaeologically identifying a state. It takes time to reach a maximum level of control, and certain estimates of age can be made. When an area reaches the 4-5 range of political control, it is considered a state.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Carneiro’s model can be seen in this example as true.